Tripod reach
1/2 knealing press
From this position with a dumbell, cable or kettlebell. Press directly above the head as you would perform a military […]
spiderman rotation
Prone T
Prone Y
Variations to this is t preferably lie face own on a bench and use one arm only. Only rain controlled […]
SMR Exercises
Latissimus Dorsi Peroneals Piriformis Quads Adductors Erector Spinae Hamstring Calves Illio Tibial Tract Tfl Rhomboids Plantar Facia
Bench T Spine Mobilizations
Standing Glute Pulls
here is the checklist for this exercise: This is a mobility exercise for the hips and is great for runners […]
Seated Side Poliquin Raise
A great way to lift high loads and give variations to your side raises. This exercises places load on the […]
Pendulumn Squats (The Quad Squat)
This squat allows for greater flexion of the knee and targets the Vastus Medialis Muscle on the inside of the […]
Fitball jacknife
DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats
Chin Up Variations
Chin Hand Positions to progress through! Chin Up Tips Subscap Chins Sternum Rows
Supported Split Stance 1 Arm Press
Make sure the pushing leg is forward The back foot is to be planted to support the press Keep the […]
Correct Squat [Tutorial]
Breathing Squats to Mobilise
Mobility Squat 1 [tutorial]
5 way shoulder warm up [tutorial]
Boxing Tabata Style Workout
Tall Kneeling Pulldown
Kneeling Curl To Press
X Band Walks
Keep your body ‘tall and beautiful’! Maintain an upright posture and ensure your lower body works independently of your upper […]
Table Short Adductor Stretch (Groin)