Essentials – Release and Activate Your Neck
The Julie Complex
This workout is fast and effective causing metabolic disturbance giving you a great way to stimulate fat loss and boost […]
Scorpion to sit thru
Scissor To Pancake
Animal Flow- Beast
Hip Flexor Dynamic Stretching
Knealing Thread through
Mobilise your back and start your session with 30-60 seconds of movement. Sit on your ankles if your a beginner […]
Mckenzie Press To Mini Dog
Neck Roll Bridge
Scissor with rotation (Knead through)
Sit Through Reach
Windshield wiper to dying warrior
Windshield Wipers
Cossack Lunge transition into tripod
Fencing Lunge with transition into alternates then 135 degree rear lunge
Travelling Lunge to Squat Warm Up
Tripod Thoracic Mobiliser
Warrior Kicks
A great finisher to any conditioning workout
Warrior Pose
Windshield wiper to fencing reach into pigeon (squat mobiliser warm up)
Roll and Sway Full Body Conditioning
An entire body dynamic stability exercise great to be used for conditioning, mobility and core strength.
Scorpion hip mobiliser
Farmers walk
Grab some weights if you can handle it and have a go. You want to be able to get about […]