Plank Row’s
Hover with thoracic rotation Hover with side plank (glut medius focus)
Standing next to the wall place your arm up against it. Bring your outside leg back. Gently draw in the […]
This is a bigger bang stretch. Standing in front of the wall place your hand on the wall with fingers […]
Standing on one leg cross the shin over your knee and sit back in a single squat. This same exercise […]
Stand upright find neutral spine as you bring one leg forward and place weight on your heels. Squat backwards on […]
Stretching the lateral side of the hip and above the backside the curtsy is a great warm up exercise and […]
For many of us who sit during the day this exercise will take the pressure off of your discs and […]
Lying on your back cross the bone on the outside of your ankle across the top (in the groove above) […]