Fitball Dumbbell Press





Targets: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Abdominals, Glutes

  1. Whilst holding the dumbbells gently roll out on the ball until your head , neck shoulders and back are securely placed on the ball.
  2. Drop your hips to the floor and gently draw in your navel. Perform a bridge 
  3. Standard position is so that your elbows will be at 90 degrees when the dumbbell is a fist distance from your chest. If possible have all fingers and thumb wrapped over the bar so you can keep the wrist straight.
  4. Set your shoulders by elevating (bring toward ear), retracting them (bring into bench) and then depressing them (lowering your shoulder towards your hips). Ensure you still have neutral spine and you should feel the muscles in your back under your arm pits ‘flare’ up (these are the Latisimus Dorsi muscles).
  5. Bend at the elbows so that you do not lose your set shoulder position and breathe in on way down.
  6. Come down to 90 degrees at the elbows and then exhale on the way up.


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