Narrow Stance Snatch Grip Deadlift
Bent Over (warding flexion of spine) Biceps Curl
Lateral Lunge Press
Sled PUSH (Trainers have a go)
Lunge Rows with Dumbell
Reverse Lunge Press
One Arm Reach and Row
Skipping variations
3 Way Press
Bench- Squat- Thrust (known as a burpee)
1 Arm Squat Press
Sumo Deadlift (plus a small tutorial)
Kettlebell Swings
Crab Walk
Shoelace Curl
Kettlebell Dead-lift to Thrust
Dumbbell Bosu Squat
Squat, Thrust, Squat
Flexion and Extension Exercise
Split Stance Low Cable Row With Rotation
Lateral Squat
Squat Press