The Julie Complex
spiderman rotation
Bench T Spine Mobilizations
Chin Up Variations
Boxing Tabata Style Workout
Band Resisted Split Squat
Doorway Chest Stretch
Hip Flexor Box Stretch
Hip Flexor Table Stretch
Barbell Hack Squat
Mobility 4 Point 1 Leg Hip Extension
Lying Wall Slides
Long Adductors Stretch
Lateral Sling Stretch
Tall Kneeling Press
Waiters Bow
Wall Sit with Rotation
Tall Kneeling Row
Tall Kneeling Alternating PullDown
How to sit on a bench (tricep dumbbell overhead extensions)
Intervals #5 (Tabata)
Intervals #4 (Fartlek)
Sled PUSH (Trainers have a go)