Healthy versus Unhealthy Video

Weekly Q n A topics on Nutrition and Wellness This document will work as a ‘frequently asked question’ document for you to review when you have an question. This document will also act as a a place for the PUSH_ Team to compile forum answers for participants to later reflect upon regarding nutrition. Q. For […]
Snack and Desert options For when you need more than 1200 Cal per day Or you have trained harder and allowed for a few more calories Calories in – Calories out It is not only how many calories you eat but also what those calories consist of. So when it comes to snack foods and […]
Staying on track while still allowing yourself to enjoy the festive season These tips will give you flexibility in different places while giving you good guidelines to use over December and January Included after this info section are a few meal ideas to give you ideas on good food choices. Well done on the completion […]
1.How would you rate your efforts in the areas below out of 10 and why? Training Nutrition Preparation, focus and commitment Attitude and Motivation 2.What have you done well? Blow your trumpet! 3. What is motivating you to get this far? 4. Explain to me your focus, any changes? 5. Your goal […]
Meal choices when Eating Out & Healthy Snacks Let’s start with an idea or an analogy. Let’s say you happened to like horses and had a horse, whom you want to do well, would you feed your horse on carrots all day knowing that it needs to eat a mixture of straw and grains too. […]