Dumbbell Bench Press
Hand Release Push Ups
TA Activation
Position yourself flat on your back, raise both legs to 90 degree angle at the hip and knee, and press belly […]
Foam rolling
This will assist with muscle recovery and preparation for your workout. Roll for 15-30 seconds or until relief of muscle […]
Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
Barbell Cyclists Squat (Quad Squat)
Turkish Get-up
Dumbbell Back Lunge
Dumbbell Pronated Lying Extension
Close-Grip Seated Row
Standing Calve Raise
Lying Leg Curl (Hamstrings)
Barbell Elevated Hip Thruster
Barbell Elevated Hip Thruster
Barbell Floor Hip Thruster
Barbell Floor Hip Thruster
Band Pull-Apart Variations with Tutorial
Band Pull-Apart Variations with Tutorial with Head Coach Jamie.
Barbell Power Clean
In today’s video we have PUSH_ Training Systems Head Coach, demonstrating a “Power clean”. It’s one of the best ways to train explosiveness & athleticism under the bar. WARNING! You must be able to deadlift, High-Pull & Front Squat before attempting this lift. To find out more… Please contact us today.
Straight Barbell Preacher Curl
Straight Barbell Preacher Curl *Note keep wrists cocked back and shoulder width apart
Parallel Back Extension
Flat Back Extension: In this variation, the quadriceps are parallel to the ground, the overload occurs when the chain is shortened completely.
Low Cable Pull-In
Preacher Biceps Curl Variations
45 Degree Hyper Extension