


Targets: Core, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

  1. Start in a plank position
  2. Bring one elbow to the mat and then  the other as you stay low (as a commando would dragging through the mud under barbed wire- with shots being fired overhead i.e keep head down)
  3. Return that hand to push up position and then the other but stay down with your elbows bent at 90 degree’s. Then repeat on the other side.
  4. Continue as many times as you can.

Modified commando’s would simply take you from a  push up position to a hover and then back up to a push up position. Therefore the head is not staying down.

Putting a push up between each repetition is a way to further stimulate a higher heart rate and hormonal response by activating the chest and shoulder more. However we are mainly using commando’s for core work so this would not be necessary.

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