Dumbbell Pronated Lying Extension
Close-Grip Seated Row
Band Pull-Apart Variations with Tutorial
Essentials- Upper Body Rolling
Essentials – Release Your Neck- Scm
Sit Through Reach
1/2 knealing press
Prone T
Seated Side Poliquin Raise
Fitball jacknife
Supported Split Stance 1 Arm Press
Kneeling Curl To Press
Mobility 4 Point 1 Leg Hip Extension
Shoulder Stability Serratus Hover
Tall Kneeling Press
Tall Kneeling Row
Homebased Shoulder Pikes
At Home Pressing and Abdominal Work
Torso PUSH Up assessment and techniques
Overhead Barbell Squat
Standing Arnold Press
Kneeling Side Raise
Narrow Stance Snatch Grip Deadlift