Wall Sit with Rotation
Kettlebell Rack Position Squats
Overhead Barbell Squat
One Leg Curl
One Leg Calf Raise
Kettlebell High Row To Catch
One Leg Deadlift
Triple Jumper Bench Lunge
Opposite Step Up Press
One Leg Toe Touch (balance options also)
Dynamic Lunge Warm Ups
Fitball Squats
Stiff Deadlift
Lateral Lunge Press
Sled PUSH (Trainers have a go)
Lunge Rows with Dumbell
Fitball Leg Curl
Good Mornings
Reverse Lunge Press
Over The Tops (Bosu)
Transverse Squats
Bench- Squat- Thrust (known as a burpee)
Bench Jumps