Essentials- Lower Body Rolling
Essentials – Prone Crawling Obliques
Neck Roll Bridge
Sit Through Reach
Farmers walk
Fitball jacknife
Tall Kneeling Pulldown
Kneeling Curl To Press
Mobility 4 Point Rotations (Thoracic Spine)
Mobility Shoulder Setting “Cat and Cow”
Mobility 4 Point 1 Leg Hip Extension
Lying Leg Lowers
Side Hip Lifts
Shoulder Stability Serratus Hover
Tall Kneeling Press
Wall Sit with Rotation
Tall Kneeling Curl
Tall Kneeling Alternating PullDown
Bench Pullthroughs
Homebased Shoulder Pikes
Homebased Core Triceps
At Home Pressing and Abdominal Work
Torso PUSH Up assessment and techniques